The Great Road Trip 2022

April to July, Los Angeles to Rome

Two Continents, 6600 Miles

The Great Road Trip is a transcontinental journey in a refurbished 35-year-old, 29-horsepower Citroen 2CV from Los Angeles to Rome, that will take place from April to July 2022. The total distance driven will be 4,300 miles in the USA and Canada and 2,300 miles in Europe.

The Citroen 2CV, affectionately known as the "Tin Snail", was manufactured from 1948 to 1990 and is a cult car in Europe.

Volunteer drivers and passengers, including members of the KD community and Citroen car clubs across the United States, will join us on the road to a cure. The trip includes media events and fundraising dinners. If you would like to volunteer, please follow the link at the top of the page. It will be a truly epic journey that you do not want to miss!

Donations are welcome. Sponsorships are available.

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Latest News

23 July 2022

The Great Road Trip completed its 6,600-mile journey today with a final stop in Castel Gandolfo, on Lake Albano south of Rome and location of the former summer residence of the Pope. A group of Itali...

19 July 2022

Milan was the perfect stop on the Great Road Trip to raise awareness of Kennedy’s Disease. AIMAK, the Italian patient advocacy group, and research teams from the universities of Milan, Padova, and Tr...

16 July 2022

Our little red car continues to enjoy its 2-day short break in the French Alps before hitting the road for Milan tomorrow. Since leaving Los Angeles the car has now traveled well over 6,000 miles and...

14 July 2022

Happy Bastille Day (Fête nationale française) to our French colleagues! Paris is beautiful (as always) but very hot in the middle of July. The Great Road Trip team (aka Kathy and Terry but without th...


What is Kennedy's Disease?

Kennedy's Disease (KD), or Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (SBMA), is an inherited, adult-onset neuromuscular disease that affects primarily men. KD causes progressive muscular weakness, especially noticeable in the legs, arms, and facial regions. This results in deteriorating ability walk, speak, swallow, and perform other basic life functions. The muscle weakness can result in aspiration pneumonia and falls that can lead to serious complications and death.

Can Kennedy's Disease be Cured?

While there is currently no cure or treatment for KD, research has suggested several possible pathways that may lead to a treatment. Research continues and it needs your support. The purpose of The Great Road Trip is to raise awareness of Kennedy's Disease and to raise much-needed funds for the US and European research programs.

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